Moment Eastern Indigo Snake Released Into Conecuh National Forest

2 years ago

This is the moment an eastern indigo snake is released into the Conecuh National Forest.

The footage was shared online by Atlanta zoo who said: "Eastern indigo snakes were released into the wild in Alabama’s Conecuh National Forest in summer 2021 as part of a longtime conservation partnership to protect this valuable native species.

"Zoo Atlanta works with multiple state, federal, zoo, non-governmental, and educational organizations on the project, which has successfully released more than 150 eastern indigo snakes into the forest since 2010."

"Zoo Atlanta’s primary contribution is raising young indigo snakes for one or two years until they grow large enough to avoid most predators; the snakes are then released into protected habitat."

The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) is listed as threatened on the IUCN's Red List of Endangered Species.

Zoo Atlanta/CZ/Joe Golder

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