Beverley Turner - Why I'm back the court bid to halt childhood jabs

2 years ago

Oct 14, 2021
Source: Dan Astin-Gregory

The vaccine roll-out to children aged between 12 and 15 continues apace right across the UK and so far nothing has been able to stop this steamroller in its tracks.

However, quietly and without any mainstream media coverage, a bid to halt the programme has been making its way through the courts, with a decision due tomorrow at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

My guest tonight has become the public face of this legal challenge after earlier raising her head above the parapet multiple times over the past 20 months.

Beverley Turner is a mother of three, has had a long career in print and broadcast journalism — including working for the likes of ITV and the Daily Mail — and has repeatedly urged caution in giving children the Covid-19 vaccines.

Join me today at 5pm BST when I’ll be asking Beverley why she has taken on this particular battle as well as discussing the wider implications of the legal case and what she believes concerned parents can do.

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