Cat and Dog Fight | 🐈 | 🦮

2 years ago

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My cat and dog fight,
how do I stop it?
Do your cat and dog fight often? In this article, you will learn how to distinguish if your cat and dog are playing or just fighting, why your pets might engage in aggressive interactions and how to stop them.

I will teach you how to train your dog to leave the cat in peace (or vice versa) while at the same time training your cat to "love" your dog (or vice versa!).

Your first reaction is to scold the animal that is bothering the other pet, right? Unfortunately, this will only make things worse. Your pets are already stressed about the new situation and your yelling will not help them relax.

Because this is an aggression problem, I highly recommend you get the help of a professional behaviorist in your area. Seeing an animal trainer in action sometimes tells you more than a hundred words could.

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