The Stew Peters Show: EXPOSING Truth, DEMANDING Accountability

2 years ago

Couy Griffin is out of custody, finally, and was imprisoned by the corrupt communist regime after PRAYING on the steps of the Capitol on January 6.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: NH Governor, Christopher T. Sununu, ordered his gestapo "Brownshirts" to ARREST a large group of PEACEFUL citizens, yesterday. Why? Because they SILENTLY turned their backs to him. WATCH!

Disgusting text messages are being sent to elderly Trump supporters, calling them TRAITORS for not donating to Kevin McCarthy and the establishment GOP! Laura Loomer is an America First U.S. Congressional Candidate, and she's calling for an audit of McCarthy and the GOP.

NAMING NAMES! We MUST expose those that use politics for personal gain, leverage of power and treat our country like a professional wrestling match as they grift and embrace the "Hollywood celebrity" status, rather than doing the PEOPLE'S WORK!

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