Make Yer Own Wood Nails For Timber Framing

3 years ago

Make Yer Own Wood Nails For Timber Framing

Timber framing and wood work in general requires wood fittings and fasteners in order to klast a long time. The reason for this is that a piece of metal has a different coefficient of expansion and contraction than wood does. Also it doesn’t flex and move the way a wood fastener would it flat out refuses to move so it becomes a stress riser or a point where the surrounding wood gets abused like a climate or vaccine denier in the moron media. The wood nails in a timber frame actually pull the pieces closer together because of the manner I which the holes are drilled for assembly. Wood nails also don’t require any connection to the outside world in order to make them. You just have to have the home made tools to do it. These are gpood things to have if we ever have another zombie apocalypse election like we did with Obama 1.0 and the Obama 2.0 elections.

I mention a few things I’ll be doing with the tools to make them a bit more productive, but you could actually get someone to make one of these for you in a machine shop with tool steel that would be even better.

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