3 years ago

Light, handy, practical ... We got on the 2020 Vespa Electtrica to find out how it is and we were pleasantly surprised!

First of all, it is a Vespa and it is electric. And that is easily noticeable from the moment you see it, even if you are many meters away. Then it is also easy to realize that it is not a normal Vespa Primavera or that it is not even a combustion vehicle. In the first place, because it lacks an exhaust pipe; and secondly, because the sides - in the trim, the seat and the wheels - are of a striking color to make things very clear.

If you already get closer and look at it in more detail, on the front wheel you can appreciate the regeneration system for braking that is next to the front disc. Behind it, the 4 kW electric motor also stands out, whose lithium-ion battery (under the seat, which is two-seater) is charged (with the plug that is hidden under what would be the gasoline tank) in about four hours.

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