10 stretch stop lower back pain relief sciatica

2 years ago

“I became injured and barely could even walk. I had three months of physical therapy. I went to the chiropractor numerous times…I was so frustrated! None of it was working. I actually thought I was losing my mind!

I read a newspaper article about Emily and her new program and I thought, I NEED to try this! I can honestly say it has changed my life. I don’t take Ibuprofen every day. I am physically active. I can bend over and touch my toes. And I can play with my grand babies at will. And to me

“I ran into this really difficult situation with this really terrible pain down the back of my leg. I found out later it was called sciatic pain. It was difficult for me to get out of a chair and walk down the hall.

My wife introduced me to Emily’s technique. I started doing Emily’s technique and after a few sessions I became totally pain-free and I’ve been pain-free for over a year!”

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