THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50 pts) ~ Pt. 41: The 6th Commandment

2 years ago

"Some people think that the moment they get married they have a license for lust..wrong..not true! You have to know what Sexuality is. Sexuality is an exterior manifestation of the interior love that the spouses have for each other. It's not a license for lust. Can a married person freely be lustful?..NO! Is a married person attracted to their spouse?..yes..why? because they love them, and love consummates in union, it's natural, the two totally want to give themselves to each other, to become one, to live out their marriage, the two become one flesh. This is a mystery, Jesus and His Church are the analogy that we have. It's a beautiful analogy..Jesus and His Church are one..wives and husbands you are one just like Jesus and His Church. Jesus did everything for His Bride, His Mystical Bride..The Church.

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