"Choose your Poison" - Australia

3 years ago

Please don't take health advice from a corrupt RAIL and ECONOMICS guy - even if they give him a title of "COVID-19 Commander".

Jeroen Weimar

Victoria’s current chief COVID-19 commander, Jeroen Weimar, was also chair of the V/Line board between June 2018 and September 2019.

The Andrews Labor Government has appointed Jeroen Weimar, CEO of Public Transport Victoria (PTV) to the role of V/Line Board Chairman from 1 July.

Jeroen Weimar, Chief Executive Officer of the Public Transport Victoria, will take on the role of V/Line Board chairman from 1 July 2018, in a move which will better integrate V/Line and the broader transport network.

A lifelong transport and urban planner, Mr Weimar was parachuted into the front line of Victoria's fight against the second wave when Premier Daniel Andrews tapped him to be the commander for contact tracing.

July 2020
Deputy Secretary at Department for Health and Human Services, currently known as the chief testing officer for Victoria's covid cases.

Jeroen is Commander of the COVID-19 Response, working with a team of clinicians, public health experts, and operations specialists to protect the Victorian community.

Prior to joining the Department of Health in July 2020, Jeroen was Chief Executive Officer for Public Transport Victoria and VicRoads.

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