The New AI Normal Mode - PubG Mobile

3 years ago

PubG Mobile - After playing the new AI mode in normal difficulty, I was pleasantly surprised to see how difficult it actually was. I think these are good matches that you get a lot of enemies to practice on in 1 match since they are all coming to kill only your squad.

0:00 ▶️ 1st Match
1:32 ▶️ No Scope Headshot
2:02 ▶️ Superbots
2:32 ▶️ 2nd Match
6:55 ▶️ 3rd Match
9:28 ▶️ Accurate Flashes
10:10 ▶️ Bot Killed Me in Mid Air

1st Match - Squads - AI Normal - DP-28, M24 - 1 Kill Loss

2nd Match - Squads - AI Normal - Scar, AKM, Vector - 7 Kill Loss

3rd Match - Squads - AI Normal - Vector, MK12, AKM - 5 Kill Loss

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