Vin Lloyd: Israelite & Scholar on Black Indigenous Americans, the Annunaki, Nephilim & Unity

2 years ago

- Indigenous Black Americans – why is it important we look into the real history?
- Who are the Annunaki, and is there any truth to the stories surrounding them?
- Who were the Nephilim – were they real?
- What is the Hebrew Israelite Movement? Black Indigenous American connection to Ancient Egypt?
- Common misconceptions of the movement?
- Most important lessons to be learned from the Torah?
- What’s more important – uniting with those you have philosophical and spiritual differences with to fight against a common problem, or identifying and solving those differences before uniting?
- Unification around morality – or unification around material commonality (race, class, etc.)?

During the interview, we found a lot of common ground on issues we face, including recognizing the need for education around black indigenous presence in America before Columbus, the benefits of a nuclear family, and structural issues facing the black community. Additionally, there were places we respectfully disagreed including our views on feminism, the Olmecs, and Atlantis. We will spend some more time discussing those in future conversations but specifically, when it comes to flat earth, I did want to share the latest picture of the entire earth released by NASA, taken in 2015.

Books mentioned include:
- "They Came Before Columbus" - Ivan Van Sertima
- "The Lost Book of Enki" - Zecharia Sitchin
- The Torah, or Old Testament

For anyone interested in reading more about my personal views on spirituality I'd recommend reading:
- "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", Volumes 1 & 2, by Drunvalo Melchizedek
- "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

"The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" also touches on Atlantis and a few other ancient civilizations and "Becoming Supernatural" gives you a detailed breakdown of the power of meditation and how that can be used to impact your health and manifestation abilities.

Follow me on IG: @jayscottascension and Rumble page and other accounts here:

Find Vin on IG:, and find information about his Torah study sessions and lessons here:

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