Perfect Pitch Vs... Relative Pitch? (The Superpower You Can Develop!)

3 years ago

We've all heard of perfect pitch. But there's a REALLY cool lesser known ability that I think people need to be made aware of: relative pitch!

Perfect pitch is where you can hear any note and instantly know exactly what it is. Usually you have to be born with this ability, but through lots of work and training it can sometimes be developed.

Now on the other hand, there's a superpower ANYONE can develop- which is called RELATIVE pitch. The end result of this skill looks almost identical to perfect pitch.

And the cool thing is- if you can sing a song in key, you're already doing and practicing some of the key elements of relative pitch training, like intervals and tone matching.

Watch the video to learn more!


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--------------- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO ---------------
🔥 Learn the 4 biggest mistakes people make when playing piano:
In my exclusive training video, you'll:
• See how nearly EVERY beginner uses their hands incorrectly, and what to do instead to unlock your full potential.
• Learn my 2 secrets for playing lightning FAST and impressing others.
• Discover the biggest thing holding you back from reading music quickly and easily. (This is taught by most piano teachers and actually makes sight-reading HARDER.)
Don't take the long road to playing piano. Learn the RIGHT way to play!

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