Isn't Religion Just a Crutch?

2 years ago

When you see a physically handicapped person using a crutch, a wheelchair, or a walking stick, do you think anything less of them as a human being? Of course not! If anything we know they have learned to accept their physical shortcomings and make the most of what abilities they do have.

Spiritually speaking, we also have “shortcomings’, not the least of which is the fact that as sinners we need Jesus in order to be in a right relationship with God. This means, then, that Jesus is a sort of “crutch” for us and the only way we can benefit from the help he offers is to swallow our pride, admit our shortcomings, and receive the help He provides.

I bring this up because during a conversation with a religious sceptic named Kevin, he explained his view that religion simply provides the comfort some people need to deal with the loss of loved ones and the certainty of their own death one day. Like most such sceptics I talk to, the implication is that, unlike the masses of religious people out there, he has no need for such a “crutch”; that he just uses his own logic and common sense to see beyond the superficiality of religion.

But what kind of logic would lead one to believe they can solve the difficult questions of life, to explain where we have come from, why we are here, and where we are going? What common sense tells us we can control our own destiny and don’t need help from anyone, that to admit weakness in this area is somehow demeaning?

The Apostle Paul, who had every reason to boast, learned the power of humbly admitting ones weaknesses, writing “But (the Lord) said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Instead of boasting about his own power and abilities, Paul had the wisdom to boast about God’s power and to find his strength in Him. May we have the sense to accept all our shortcomings – physical and spiritual – and make the most of the help the Lord provides for us.

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