Shameless selfie Wednesdays

2 years ago

Ok … so time to be serious. And take a serious picture of myself. It is maybe the only part about all of this I’ve been dreading. 😎Hahaha but I brushed my hair out extra nice and got a little extra fancy Xoxox.
What it’s like when you are campaigning around and need to schedule times for a campaign photo shoot.✔️thag off the list. Time to head to another committee meeting. Can’t wait to speak with all y’all, if I already haven’t. Whether it’s through this and telegram and email (
Ps the telegram account is supposed to be just an open forum to tell me your concerns and changes you’d like to be made in the school system, ask me questions. Related. Unrelated. Just to get to know me. I want you to be confident in your vote. And if you can’t vote and live in another area get your support. Everyone just helps build the energy.
Or in person. Keep checking in and seeing what I’m up to!! This is just the beginning.

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