Glimmers of Hope | 10/13/21

3 years ago

A few glimmers of hope might finally be peeking out. Pelosi makes sure to tell us that the new Build Back Better plan will be only three baskets … and then proceeds to name 10 features. A shoplifter strolls into a Walgreens and steals a bundle of prescription drugs. William Shatner plans to go into space on a Blue Origin flight. In Australia, surfing is an essential reason to be outside, but sunbathing on the very same beach is not? Do the Australian authorities actually want more COVID variants? Digital Identity is so convenient! Looks like we cannot use the term “alien” for extraterrestrials now either. Another controversy arises out of the Loudoun County school district. Loudoun County tried to cover up a sexual assault because a transgender individual was involved. A few giant asteroids are headed to Earth in the near future. DC Comics has gone the way of the woke and decided that the new Superman will be bisexual. A group of trans activists barge into a corporate meeting to protest Dave Chappelle’s new stand-up show, but Netflix refuses to take it down.

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