3 years ago

Octopus is a class of marine cephalopod mollusks from the subclass of the bilobber. Sometimes octopuses are referred to only as members of the
Family - octopus. The body is short, oval rear, some with 1-2 pairs of fins. The head carries eight long tentacles - "arms". They are connected by a thin membrane and are equipped with suction cups. The body length of an octopus with "arms" - from a few centimeters to 6 meters.

Octopus lives in salt water, from shallow water to a depth of 8 km. Most octopuses live benthic life, moving with the help of "hands".

Among the most unusual animals of our planet, octopuses occupy a special place. Not only do they have a superbly large brain they have the proud "title" of the most intelligent and highly evolved of all invertebrates.

They also have, among other things, three hearts: a main heart and a secondary heart. One of them, as it should be, to pump blood through the body of the mollusk, and the other two help to push it through the gills, by which octopuses breathe. Interestingly, the octopus, having no ears, yet, hear perfectly well, and perceive not only infra-, but also the most ordinary sounds. It is worth noting that octopuses have very sharp eyes, "equipped" with a pupil of surprising shape - rectangular.

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