The Deer Power Animal

2 years ago

There are about 60 species of deer in the world. They don’t make nests or dens but find safe places to rest under low hanging branches. In summer, deer eat grasses and plants and, in winter, they uncover leaves and twigs. The deer has wide vision, excellent hearing, and an exceptional sense of smell to protect itself. They are very aware of their environment and know how to move quickly in different directions. The deer reacts instantly when startled and will travel long distances to reach safety. They have remarkable stamina and speed to run from their enemies.

The deer is compassionate, kind, and loving. Theirs is a quiet way of life, always listening and observing. They value friendship and loyalty and will stop at nothing to make things right. The deer handles challenges with strength and determination. Sensitive and intuitive, the deer has a balance of the masculine traits such as protection and vigilance with the feminine characteristics of caring and nourishment. The deer harms no one and their movement invokes feelings of beauty, hope, and freedom.

The swift deer may not be externally powerful and strong, but they more than make up for it with their benevolent character. The deer exemplifies responsibility and independence and is a symbol for peace, innocence, and good luck. When you need a calm, loving feeling, call on the spirit of the deer. And keep in mind, all power animals have mystical qualities and want to be our friends Check our website to learn more.

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