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Liberty Minute - 20211013

3 years ago

I am Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Wednesday, day 577 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
Last night the House voted to add $480 billion to the national debt limit. That is enough to fund the government for almost two months. Let that sink in. $480 billion only funds our government until early December.
Meanwhile, Congress continues to fight over $4 trillion in new spending. Congress has lost its collective mind.
Speaker Pelosi has doubled down, insisting on the $600 IRS reporting plan that creates a warrantless surveillance state. Hey Nancy, 1984 was not an instruction manual.
Speaker Pelosi was also quoted telling the media, "Well I think you all could do a better job of selling it". She actually thinks that it is the media's job to "sell" her agenda.
Catch the daily Liberty Minute any time at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.


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