Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles - Weaponized - Vaccines, Test Swabs* and Masks!

2 years ago

Please See the Links below for supplement defense and more!

Too many legitimate doctors have verified these concerns for me personally... not to believe this. Much science and evidence behind their statements and arguments. So, as is my standard practice, I grabbed a couple of videos that I felt were powerful and put them together as tool that I hope will to enable you to reach reach rational conclusions. These people (craploads of them) are evil and they are in Full-satan mode now.

In the (interpreted) main video, supplements (and science) were mentioned that can provide defense for you and your family. I have provided links. If they are not on this post, you will find them under the video on Rumble where I have uploaded this video.

God bless

The "Test Swabs"also contain ethylene oxide (EO). I have a video on this from a 30 year RN/Medical Investigator on my Rumble channel as well. Linked below.

Glutathione, Cysteine & C
100 capsules

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) (Supplement to use with Glutathione)
Boosts Cellular Glutathione Levels
600 mg, 60 capsules


All About the Nasal Swab - Don't Do It! Thank you Cassandra S. Dunn RN, BS
Infowarrior Extraordinaire
Published August 21, 2021
(Also see the information below this particular video)

Chinese Researchers Discover Holy Grail of Graphene Oxide Detox?

Actual Ad promoting the freakin' GRAPHENE OXIDE masks! (Trust me... the company is part of the Globaist "death to humanity cult".

GRAPHENE OXIDE is in the VACCINE & Mask & PCR Test
(Brace yourself,,, hard to watch. God help us PLEASE1)

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