2 years ago

1st video "Intro" to Rumble

We need not wait til we are translated to follow Christ. God's people may do this here below. We shall follow the Lamb of God in the courts above only if we follow Him here. Following Him in heaven depends on our keeping His commandments now. We are not to follow Christ fitfully or capriciously, only when it is for our advantage. 7BC 978.7

We must choose to follow Him. In daily life we must follow His example, as a flock trustfully follows its shepherd. We are to follow Him by suffering for His sake, saying at every step, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." His life practice must be our life practice. And as we thus seek to be like Him, and to bring our wills into conformity to His will, we shall reveal Him (The Review and Herald, April 12, 1898). {7BC 978.8}

Giving Glory to God - To give glory to God is to reveal His character in our own, and thus make Him known. And in whatever we may make known the Father or the Son, we glorify God (Manuscript 16, 1890). {7BC 979.4}

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