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Moving Into Eternity Part 3: Roadmap of the End Times

3 years ago

The Bible is a road map for the last days, requiring study and the Holy Spirit to discern the times. Enoch, the prophet Joel, Jesus and the apostle John all spoke of a future global judgment. Each time the theme was the same; God's holy angels would bring together the people, there would be a global judgment of the nations and the lost would be sent to the Lake of Fire.

Contrary to what many believe, the Bible doesn't say that Christians will be raptured prior to the coming of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation. The apostle Paul said the last trumpet would sound and the believers who are alive would be raptured in conjunction with the resurrection of those who died in Christ. This catching away would not take place until the Antichrist established his throne and proclaimed his godhood at the temple in Jerusalem.

Thirty eight years after Paul's death, God revealed to John that seven trumpets would sound. How did Paul know about this trumpet? The obvious conclusion is that Paul was given supernatural knowledge about the last trumpet by the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains a road map of the end times; when teamed up with discernment from the Holy Spirit, it provides a glimpse of future events.
Sermon Outline

Moving Into Eternity Part 3
Roadmap of the End Times
DECEMBER 15, 2013 RLJ-1422

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Yet, the trumpets at the time of the 2 witnesses are not the trumpets that Paul was referring to. The trumpets that Paul was referring to were the ones that happen on the day of the Lord, that is the rapture, for that is part of seal 6 before the 7 years. For even in the Old Testament it shows the rapture happens before the 2 witnesses start to preach. Which happens before the man of sin takes over the temple. SO the bible does show the rapture of the true followers being taken before the man of sin makes the covenant with many. For the timelines are written in Revelation, Daniel 12, and Psalms and they all show the rapture first, then the 2 witnesses, and then the man of sin takes control. For all are written in chronological order and are witness to each other. For even Zechariah 14 shows the Day of the Lord is before the people scatter and Jesus returns. Joel 2 speaks of the Day of the Lord before the remnant is left in Israel and Jerusalem. SO even these books shows the rapture is before the 7 years. For the only place in Revelation that the Day of the Lord and the Day of the wrath of the Lord is seal 6 before the 7 years. SO in fact the bible does show the rapture before the 7 years and Paul even mentions this for the man of sin does not come on the scene until after he who letteth will let and be taken out of the way, 2 Thessalonians 2:7/8. For even Daniel 9 :26 states that Jesus cuts Himself off before the 70th week for the prince to make the covenant, Jesus even made reference to the prince in the Gospels. Showing that he is not the prince that Daniel was talking about.

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