Obama Military Brass Revolt Against Trump-Eddie Gallagher case triggers another insurgency

3 years ago

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Dec 1, 2019

BREAKING: Obama military brass try to revolt against president Trump but Dems & RINO globalists fail again. -Eddie Gallagher case triggers another insurgency. SUPPORT INSPONEWS: PayPal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WSGDRN8NEU38J&source=url
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So certain military brass, diplomats, State Dept. career bureaucrats, Schiff's fraudulent impeachment hearings, House Dems, Intel community, CIA, many in the DOJ, FBI MSM Mainstream left wing media etc. have all united against this President to falsely accuse him in a smear campaign they are set to carry through until the 2020 elections. It's all sedition & treason and many are wondering why the DOJ has yet to do anything about as of this date.

The Horowitz report due out December 9th promises to be another Deep State dud with NO senior officials being recommended for serious criminal referral by DS cover up artist Michael Horowitz. IT'S TIME FOR THE WITCH HUNTS TO END. IT'S TIME FOR BILL BARR AND JOHN DURHAM TO STEP UP OR RESIGN. THIS GREAT REPUBLIC AND THIS TRANSPARENT , HARD WORKING PRESIDENT NEED TO BE DEFENDED!

Call your Representative and especially your US Senator today and every day to tell them you want the fake impeachment of President Trump TO END NOW! Telephone and contact info below. Time is of the essence. Call today.

The President's priorities are putting AMERICA FIRST. President Trump's agenda is visionary and with Solomonic wisdom - he will prosper, protect & defend our great country at all costs.
Call and support him today. 1-202-456-1111
Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121
Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555
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