Ivermectin: Horse dewormer or lifesaving intervention for COVID-19, with Pierre Kory, MD

3 years ago

Pierre Kory is an American critical care physician who gained attention during the COVID-19 pandemic for advocating widespread off-label use of certain drugs as treatments for COVID-19, as president and co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Kory testified twice to the U.S. Senate regarding COVID-19. During his testimony in December 2020, Kory erroneously claimed that the antiparasitic medication ivermectin was a "wonder drug" with "miraculous effectiveness" against COVID-19

Time Stamps:
0:09:10 Podcast begins
0:09:50 What does Pierre Kory do?
0:12:10 The breaking point that Pierre is at with the medical system
0:18:20 As a front line medical worker, what does the demographic look like for the patients in the ICU?
0:21:10 Effective preventative measures everyone can do right now (before they are ever exposed to COVID)
0:29:20 What level does Pierre Kory prefer his patients vitamin D levels be at?
0:30:40 The safety of Ivermectin
0:38:50 How effective is Ivermectin against COVID?
0:48:50 What is the current Ivermectin dosage Pierre recommends?
0:53:25 At-home nebulizers or glutathione
0:56:15 Covid cases, surges, and deaths
1:03:40 The protocol for those who get COVID
1:13:55 The boards of social media are populated by people who have financial interest in pharmaceuticals
1:22:45 There are case-specific circumstances when plants can be used as medicine
1:26:00 Protocols for individuals with long-haul COVID
1:37:10 Pierre's experience with the carnivore diet

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Belcampo: www.belcampo.com use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order
Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/carnivoremd use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150
Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at www.TRYLGC.com/paul

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