Iowa Mama Bear 'Kimberly' ruins Ankeny Democrats photo op:)

3 years ago

This was the best move I ever made. I personally ruined the Ankeny, Iowa DecocRATS photo op...
The Democrats of Ankeny IA made a "pack" to all dress in white and stand in silence to protest putting mask back ON our children. They called all the major news media outlets in the Des Moines, IA area to attend this one meeting.
I was going to politely hold the door for all of them as they came into the school board meeting, and personally thank each one of them for attending, but as I was standing there holding the door waiting for the democrats to walk in. I noticed that none of them were coming in.
So I asked someone who was walking in "where are all the democrats?" and they told me that they were all standing down by the road.

Thats when I realized the only reason they were really there was to get their photo taken and leave just so they could try to "LOOK" like they cared about the children in our district.

So... I thought I would join them.
All the major news media people were packing up and getting ready to leave. until they all saw me walking up to the group.
I never in my life seen so many news media people move so fast to get their cameras back out and well...
LOOK WHO MADE FRONT PAGE NEWS and NOT the Democrats, and boy were they TICKED!!! lol

Ladies & Gentlemen this is how we play the game.. CHECK MATE!!!

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