Watch Out

2 years ago

It is never enough to just go through a day, without slipping our hand into the greatest love ever given to mankind. Heart to Heart with God on this day, Jesus is our enough, without Him there is only a rush of discontentment and dissatisfaction that floods our souls. The wanting of more, and more and more, is such a trap. Watch out for it, discontentment, guard your heart from it. Decision by decision, made out of discontentment leads us to choices we will regret. Be content with what God has given you, don’t compare yourself to others, and don’t want something that was never meant to be yours. Greed, the wanting of more and more it leads us to places we never wanted to go, making bad choice after bad choice until we have irrevocably damaged our lives. God has made us wiser than this, we were created to be better, to not chase after things, positions, titles, fame and temporary pleasure, we were created to love God and be loved abundantly by Him. If you want to chase after satisfaction, chase after God, He meets every need we have, there is no one or nothing on this earth that can satisfy our soul like Him. Make the right choice to chase after God, to know Him more and more and more. Be a living legacy for those who are looking up to you, adult well, be content with what God is doing in you and through you. Say NO to discontentment, watch out, guard your heart and be gratefully content. Ephesians 5:15-17 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Dig Deeper:

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