Funny Bird Knocking the Window | Why Do Birds Fly Into Windows? | Funny Birds

2 years ago

Why Do Birds Fly Into Windows?

Do you wonder why a bird would strike the same window not once or twice but many times over? Can they not see the glass and avoid it next time?

Well, you will be surprised to learn that they actually don’t see windows as well as humans do and they cannot tell that the glass is impassable. Unfortunately, many die or sustain serious injuries as a result of such collisions.

In addition to hurting themselves, when birds get used to coming to your window, they can also damage nearby appliances such as a window air conditioner if you leave the windows open.

Here are a couple of interesting reasons why birds keep flying into windows.

They think glass is passable: Believe it or not, birds actually think they can fly right through glass. This is especially true if there is a mirror or a window directly opposite the window in front of the bird. This gives them the illusion of a thruway only to be stunned when they collide with the glass.

They are territorial: Thought birds were laid-back free spirits? Well, think again. Even the littlest of these feathered creatures can be very aggressive and territorial. This behavior is most prominent in spring during the breeding season and in the fall at the peak of the migration season.

a bird (mostly males) flies next to a window and sees its reflection, it confuses this with that of a rival bird and heads straight for its ‘competitor’ only to strike the window.

They see a reflection of their surrounding: Glass can reflect the sky and surrounding trees. Unfortunately, birds interpret these reflections as the real thing and fly towards it only to crash into the window.

They have evolved differently: Birds have evolved over thousands of years and they did not have to deal with glassy skyscrapers and double-glazed windows until recently. Let’s just say birds aren’t that street smart—they aren’t well equipped to deal with all the crazy urban architecture!
Artificial lights distract them: Nocturnal birds depend on moon and starlight to illuminate their path. However, they will blindly follow any source of light that appears on their flight path, including light bulbs inside a building. Switching off unused lights at night can help reduce bird window strikes.

Spiritual Meaning of Birds Hitting Window
We receive messages with spiritual meaning almost daily. We often see signs such as repeating numbers, animals, different events, etc.
Birds are often one of those signs from the spirit realms and are considered messengers from God and our guardian angles.

Spiritual Meanings of Birds Hitting Windows
If you keep having different bird experiences, it would be wise to remember the details of such events and try to decipher them. Use your inner guidance to find the answers and the message they are trying to convey to you.

A bird hitting a window is a powerful omen that shouldn’t be ignored. It sometimes has a bad meaning. The truth is that birds can be attracted by the reflection of the window glass and hit it by mistake. That often happens on taller buildings and has no significant message.

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