Bill Gates What You Were Not Told

3 years ago

Bill Gates What You Were Not Told
The most common accusations against Gates is that he’s a pedophile billionaire who wants to block out the sun, implant chips into our brains, control the population through vaccines, and even remove the “spiritual” part of our brains.As insane as some of these accusations appear, there is an undeniably seedy side to the founder of Microsoft.accusations against Bill Gates are actually true. What’s unclear are his intentions around them.

For example, there is a team of Harvard scientists who are openly experimenting with blocking out the sun to curb climate change. And they are funded, in part, by Bill Gates.

But is this a plot to control the human race, or save it? It’s a stretch to believe it’s an evil plan.

But it would be an even bigger stretch if Bill Gates weren’t involved with some of the most conspiracy-rich characters on Earth.

Most controversial was his relationship with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

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