"Major UFO Disclosure - Aliens from Venus are Working at the Pentagon." (Frank Chille, MUFON)

2 years ago

Valiant Thor, or Val, is a delegate of the “High Council”, who had VIP status at the Pentagon from 1957 to 1960, to discuss concerns of the Cold War development of nuclear arms in the United States that was leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The book Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank E. Stranges, founder of National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects (NICUFO), details Thor’s arrival by UFO as a Venusian. The Extraterrestrial That Walked Among Us! (True Story!)

He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. He also mentioned the waves of aliens who would land around the world to help with the Earth's seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help the Earth's progress.

Val Thor also spoke of Christ's presence in the universe and that it was heartwarming to see Christ's advanced teaching continuing. This visitation at the Pentagon marked a new era in knowledge, wisdom and understanding on our planet, for some, but not all.

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