Rand Paul Truth Bomb!

3 years ago

Senator Rand Paul is the bomb! With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Senator Paul took to the Senate Floor the other day to break down the Democrat’s massive three-point-five-trillion-dollar spending bill.
33 “When somebody comes to you and says, or they call you on the phone and they say, ‘Here’s a thousand dollars, all you have to do is sign up for this.’ Most people immediately recoil and they say, ‘Well, that might be a scam, somebody is going to be ripping me off to say that.’ That is the bait and switch of the politics we face now. People are saying, ‘We’re going to give you free college. Free cars, free cell phones. Free this. Free that. Everything in life will be free. You won’t have to work anymore. The problem is there are ramifications. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Money has got to come from somewhere.”
Indeed – it can only come from three places: borrowing from foreign countries – raising taxes – or printing more. Printing more is what leads to inflation – a tax which ultimately hurts the poor and middle class more than anyone else. For more check us out at the Daily Torch.com.

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