A Brave airline pilot has to choose between freedom of choice and putting food on the table.

2 years ago

A brave airline pilot has come on the record and is saying that right now our freedoms are on the line. When you begin to pile mandate after mandate, it becomes very significant. We will soon be accepting new normal and soon we won’t remember what it was like to have the freedoms we once had. If we give in to these mandates and we don’t stand up for our freedom of choice, we give a disservice to all the people who fought and bled and died for this country. You may accept the vaccine mandates because they fall in line with your current beliefs, but there will come a day where mandates will not fall in line with your exact beliefs. Are you going to condemn your children to live a life of indebtured servitude to be hold how, where, and when. We have to fight back against this tyranny before its too late!

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