How to deal with recruitment agency that ask for your reference before a job offer

2 years ago

Recruitment agency and headhunters asking for your reference before the 1st Interview with the client.

We all have experienced some recruitment agency or headhunters contacting us apparently regarding a job that may interest us, the conversation about the job himself is vague, no many details or they drop a big company name in there, then they said they can put you forward for the job but you need to provide your reference to them.

The client did not see your resume yet and you didn't have the 1st interview with the client and no job offer and they are asking you to provide your reference. More than likely this is a fake job.Headhunters and recruitment agencies do this to build their sales leads list. They call each one up, pretend to talk about you, and ask them about their own business to hopefully place more people there. There might not even be a job, which is why it is best to avoid headhunters.
It very well might be that the recruiter is trying to get names and phone numbers of your former managers so that they can make sales calls into them and generates business with them.

It’s pretty sneaky, and borders on unethical, in my mind. (In-house corporate recruiters probably won't’ do this—it’s most likely

“agency” or “third-party” recruiters that will. Corporate recruiters don’t need to generate leads or business-like agency recruiters might.)

You are a candidate who is quite vulnerable to get people asking for your data, like your ID, Address, and reference.

You are looking for work and those recruitment agencies and headhunters practicing such a strategy are not looking to give you a job even they get a job offer from one of your references they won't call you to fill that position. They trying to use you to give them a job when you, yourself are looking for a job, and let's not even mention how demoralizing it can be for a candidate that was told they got a high chance with a company when the job is simply FAKE and the only purpose for the calls is to get the name and details of your reference for them to make Business at your expense. This practice can also hurt your relationship with your reference. Don't provide your reference to anyone until you had a job offer from the company, you need to at least have your first interview with the client to check that the job is real and that you are indeed interested in the role. Don't get intimidated by people that say they got a job for you and obey with a blind eye.

As a candidate, your data is essential, when you go out there sending your resume you can be a victim of identity theft and yes been used to provide reference for companies that want to get business from your reference.

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