Wisconsin Election Integrity Presentation

3 years ago

Late September, 2021 in Waukesha, Terry Brand and Lenny Boltz from the Republican Party of Langlade Co. met with a member of the Wisconsin Election Commission, The Executive Director and the Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, another County Chairman, a County Clerk, a Wisconsin Assemblyman, and this attorney.

This video provides evidence and groundbreaking information on election fraud and cheating in Wisconsin related to the Wisconsin Election Commission and the lack of security of it's voter registration data base.
At that time, we agreed to not disclose the information until it had been passed on to Justice Gableman. The two weeks is up and time to go public with this amazing story. Who will be the first to break this story?

Elections in Wisconsin will never be the same if we don't fix the many ways cheating and fraud were involved in the 2020 elections. This presentation will show the vulnerability of the WEC data base and how it plays a key role in making our elections free and fair in the future.

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