War Room: The demonization of Parents who are fighting against critical race theory

2 years ago

Right now, Joe Biden’s are in unprecedented territory, elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. The justice department is notifying the FBI that the mothers of America are domestic terrorists. This is a true grassroot revolt against Critical Race Theory, and now the teacher’s union who think they own your kids and look at the public coffers as their private piggy bank. They sent a letter to the Biden administration and now the Biden administration said that they will investigate and prosecute the parents under the patriot act. They are losing the argument on critical race theory and now they’re going to heavy handed tactics and they’re trying to suppress people trying to participate in democracy. The parents are not backing down and they shouldn’t be backing down. The feds and politicians are playing a linguistic game, there are multiple school agencies that are pushing this critical race theory nonsense. Critical race theory is the dominant narrative in many of our schools throughout our country. Forcing children to deconstruct their racial and gender identities, parents know that this is wrong and it’s a transgression against kids and it’s a violation against basic human rights. The radicals have greatly overstepped their boundaries and we should not back down! We have the truth, we have the moral high ground, and the American people still believe that they are the true authority of this constitutional republic, not these bureaucrats.
We have to be the ones to hold feckless senators responsible. Maybe the Americans didn’t understand it during the summer of 2020 when BLM and Antifa were burning down all those buildings, but the face cards are flipped up now. They can’t hide from the numbers, with the jobs report imploding all around them. And now the FBI is calling moms domestic terrorists because they’re confronting school board officials about mask wearing and vaccine mandates for children. They’re going to have some phony association go to the department of justice and say, ‘these moms are out of control and they’re domestic terrorists’. What? And now they’re trying to make it a welfare state and turn people under 45 into debt slave and slaves to the global capital markets. The human mind is vulnerable to these parasitic ideas and that is why people looking in from the outside are saying, ‘these all lack common sense’. How come all of the ideas and actions of the progressive left and globalists are all so detached from reality? What is unique about the current iteration of decision making, social constructism, identity politics were all spanned in the last 40 years in college setting and university ecosystems. Eventually, they begin to infect every nook and cranny of society, they’re in our HR departments, etc. Until people decide that they’ve had enough, it is only going to get worse. What happened to the university settings that drove the good of humankind? The only explanation was that there was a proliferation of demands that were cushioned from the feedback loop. In some disciplines there is a natural inoculation to this craziness because they would never work in real life. However what happened with some graduates is that they were never slapped back into realilty and the greatest example of this is gender fluidity. To speak of an objective truth is nonsense to postmodernism. In science, we have provisional truths, but we do wake up everybody understanding that there is a framework. What should we do in order to bring rationality back into the argument, the only way to defeat them is to be fierce when defending your principals, we all have a voice and if we all speak out we will get rid of this problem tomorrow, so the answer is LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!

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