C60Evo - Compare C60 Manufacturing : HPLC Chromatography, Sublimation, Sonication

3 years ago

Robert Wong, Chris Burres & Patty Roche compare the C60 Evo manufacturing process and why they chose HPLC Chromatography rather than Sublimation or Sonication at their lab in Houston Texas.
ESS60 is the purest form of Carbon 60 and that's all they sell at C60 Evo.

*Note: Our data only refer to C60 & ESS60 products from our lab. We do NOT guarantee other lab or garage/basement C60 companies' products to be safe for human consumption.
#C60 #Carbon60 #ESS60 #C60Evo #ChrisBurres #PattyGreer #RobertWong

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