Bible Quote Oct 10th Deuteronomy 13:4

3 years ago

“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Deuteronomy 13:4
This verse does not mean precisely what Christians may interpret it. It is a Moses book, giving the Law for Jews to follow. It is a third reading for Re'eh.
Via Wikipedia
"In the third reading (עליה, aliyah), Moses warned them against being lured into the ways of the residents of the land, and against inquiring about their gods, for the residents performed for their gods every abhorrent act that God detested, even offering up their sons and daughters in fire to their gods. Moses warned the Israelites carefully to observe only that which he enjoined upon them, neither adding to it nor taking away from it. The first open portion (פתוחה, petuchah) ends here.
In the continuation of the reading, Moses instructed that if a prophet (nabhi, נבָיִא) appeared before the Israelites and gave them a sign or a portent and urged them to worship another god, even if the sign or portent came true, they were not to heed the words of that prophet, but put the offender to death. A closed portion (סתומה, setumah) ends here.
In a further continuation of the reading, Moses instructed that if a brother, son, daughter, wife, or close friend enticed one in secret to worship other gods, the Israelites were to show no pity, but stone the offender to death. Another closed portion (סתומה, setumah) ends here.
And as the reading continues, Moses instructed that if the Israelites heard that some scoundrels had subverted the inhabitants of a town to worship other gods, the Israelites were to investigate thoroughly, and if they found it true, they were to destroy the inhabitants and the cattle of that town, burning the town and everything in it. They were not to rebuild on the site. The third reading (עליה, aliyah) and a closed portion (סתומה, setumah) end here with the end of the chapter"

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