Gospel of Love Video Series (52): Surrender is love, not force

2 years ago

Surrender means love. That is the meaning of surrender. Surrender to God does not mean, “Do not shoot. Do not hit me with lightning. I am going to surrender. I am afraid of you. I surrender.” No. That is not surrender. You think God is a thief, in that sense. He is going to come with a gun, and you are in a store, and He is going to hold you up for some money? He is going to steal your surrender, force your surrender? Do you not think God is all-powerful, that He could have done that to all living beings long ago? Do you not think that God has the power to force that kind of surrender? Does God want your fearful surrender of, “Do not hit me”?

How many fathers would really enjoy their child groveling up to them, crawling up to them saying, “Please do not hit me. Please do not hit me. I surrender. I surrender. Please do not beat me. I surrender!” Is that really enjoyable to a father? A father does not enjoy his child being afraid of him. A father enjoys his child loving him. That is surrender. Surrender means the heart surrendering, loving. Love is the hardest thing to give. I surrender my love. That is the meaning of surrender.

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