The Letter from the Priest aimed at the public and was banned

3 years ago

he letter written by 77 Priests, which was meant for the public, but that the Archbishops silenced.
Tonight Cafe Locked Out. Live
Statement on Certain Aspects of the Covid-19 Crisis
As Catholic priests ministering in a range of pastoral settings across Australia,
we acknowledge our responsibility to work with the government and health providers to protect our people from infection, especially the weak and the
vulnerable. We are also conscious, however, that in any crisis a legitimate and proportionate response cannot be at the cost of human rights, which are not conferred by the State but rather bestowed by the Creator, and therefore constitute the
inalienable foundation of human dignity. We believe it our duty to respond to the serious
concerns and questions addressed to us by many Catholic people and other men and women of good will. Just as health workers have important insights into health emergencies through their professional experience, so we wish to share the fruits of our experience on the front line of dealing with what has also developed into a “spiritual emergency”. By speaking the truth in charity (see Eph 4:15), we desire only to serve the supreme good of individuals and of society. Basing ourselves on the
Natural Law common to all people and our Christian faith as professed by the Catholic Church, we affirm the following:

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