Why are we seeing more CoVid19 infections in the fully vaccinated?

3 years ago

Why are we seeing more CoVid19 infections in the fully vaccinated?

My observations from inside the Alfred Hospital ICU, Melbourne Australia.

9th October 2021 I was the only person not vaccinated.

I had the best observations (i.e. 98% blood oxygen saturation, low heart rate, no lung scarring, normal BP). I spoke to other patients briefly (as they were gasping for air). All vaccinated. One guy had just got his first Pfizer jab and a week later had CoVid19.

MD came over with nurse started a gestapo style interrogation of me why I had not been vaccinated. They said "well now you have CoVid". I laughed in his face and said your whole ward has been vaccinated and they have CoVid19.

They were further "infuriated" when they here I was taking the Zalenko protocol. They claimed "it was toxic". In yet one nurse said "what's that"., I commenced by saying it is nutrition support and therapy (without providing any dosages) she claimed it was "toxic".

What I find most absurd is that nurses and general practitioners of medicine have no training in nutrition in Australia.

What I saw in the hospital was a "mafia/ nazi" style pressure on sick people laying on beds almost just telling people to get vaccinated.

When I told the all enlightened general practitioner of medicine "all of your patients except for me have CoVd19" it silenced him quickly. He then said he "would expect to see scarring of my lungs and other organs". He returned and said he found nothing.

Selection bias; is the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby ensuring that the sample obtained is not representative of the population intended to be analyzed.

After he was dissatisfied I was not the "worst patient in the ward" and the one with the best observations he quickly arranged for me to leave.

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