Democrat witness admits data deleted in Arizona audit! * 10/07/2021 (Yeah Rep. Andy Biggs!)

2 years ago

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) lied at a hearing about the #Arizona #ElectionAudit after Rep. #AndyBiggs (R-AZ) got a Democrat witnesses to admit they deleted data, didn't turn over routers and didn't use legal passwords to access software. Speier came online at the end of the hearing to discredit the only GOP witnesses by inferring he was a Nazi!
The Arizona audit that was done by Cyber-Ninjas seemed above board, so it was curious as to why the CEO didn't attend the hearing after being invited.

* Members of Congress can lie at these hearings and not be charged for perjury, but YOU can go to jail if you support Trump (Congress make the laws!)

This video contains the most interesting HIGHLIGHTS from the hearing in the House Oversight and Reform Committee on the recent Arizona Election Audit. Full hearing is here at C-SPAN:

(September 24, 2021) Maricopa County election audit results released:

Matt Braynard, the one Rep. Jackie Speier mentioned in the hearing, was formerly of the Trump campaign, and is now the Executive Director of Look Ahead America. He recently held a "Justice for J6" rally in regards to the illegal detention by the FBI of people who attended the January 6 protest. Here's the video of the J6 rally:

Look Ahead America links:

Arizona State legislature holds hearings on 2020 election fraud:

Mike Lindell's 2021 Cyber Symposium about electron fraud:

The January 6 rally that turned into a riot due to inside instigators. Some say the FBI working with informants from the militia group, Oath Keepers were involved.

Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas (the auditor), is waiting for Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to investigate, and said that the Arizona Senate is in the process of sending more information to the AG. “Let’s pray that he does what is right. Send him letters, send him emails, encourage him to do what is right.”

To discredit the audit, THE LEFT is raking those who funded the audit (Who did they expect to fund the audit, the DNC and the Clinton Foundation?)

A left-wing media outlet published a fake audit report to further discredit the audit.

A spokeswoman for the House Oversight panel declined to comment on why the committee declined to subpoena Doug Logan (Cyber Nijas CEO), a step that is within the committee’s authority.

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