How to Achieve Sales Growth During These Unprecedented Times

2 years ago

How many times have you heard the word unprecedented this last year? Way too many … I’m sure. And when I’m talking with sales leaders, I'm hearing a number of other UN words. I call it the UN-sales culture. Listening: unfocussed. My salespeople are anxious, they're unfocused; every bit of distressing news seems to derail them.
Uncreative: You have to be creative to be radically relevant to prospects. They don't have the creativity for new business strategies.

Unaccountable: They blame the pandemic, the government, the competition, they're even blaming me. I am tired of their unaccountable attitude.

Unproductive: I hear the dog barking and the laundry buzzer going off whenever I call them. This working remotely is a recipe for unproductivity.

And, Unkind: Everybody seems to be so hunkered into themselves, that they aren't listening, it’s unkind.

Do you have any of these symptoms in your culture? If yes, I invite you to tune in and to check out my sales article series that’s noted below. If you like fresh content on a regular basis, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Thanks for joining, and remember your leadership matters now more than ever.

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