Spiritual Message Circle

3 years ago

Tonight at 8 pm ET.

Goldylocks Productions Presents the Spiritual Message Circle.

Receive Messages, Guidance and Healing with a Panel of Goldylocks Productions' Spiritual Professionals in this Live Virtual Event. A minimum of three to a maximum of five Goldylocks Productions' Spiritual Professionals will be present at each Circle.

This Circle is Live Streamed to the Public. However, you must Sign Up if you would like to receive your personal message. You will come on Live, in the Studio with the Spiritual Counselors and Professionals. If you want your privacy and prefer not to be on with video, you can come on air with just your audio.

Prior to going Live, you can purchase your Message time slot from the Goldylocks Productions website. Joining the Live Studio Instructions, Purchasing Instructions, Terms and Conditions are located: http://www.goldylocksproductionsct.com/Spiritual-Message-Circles.html

Once we are Live, for those who did not sign up or prepay, you can receive a shorter message by making a $5 minimum (USD) Donation via SuperChat/SuperSticker on YouTube OR Donate via the Rumble Rant on Rumble (Click on the money bag with a $ sign icon to use this feature) OR via Goldylocks Productions’ on Venmo. The shorter messages will be given after the prepaid messages have been delivered.

Donate via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/GoldylocksProductions

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