Rats Are Able To Live In Groups And Are Able To Give Birth From 3-10 Children.

2 years ago

Rats are common rodents that are easy to find in homes with long tails and are good at climbing and jumping. This animal belongs to the Murinae sub-tribe and comes from Asia. However, it then spread to Europe through trade from the beginning of the modern calendar and really spread in the 6th century. Then it spread to all corners of the world. Today's house rats tend to spread in warmer areas because in cold areas they are unable to compete with sewer rats.

Unlike its rival, the sewer rat, the house rat is a poor swimmer and its carcasses are often found in wells. However, he is more agile and an accomplished climber, even daring to "fly". They are usually black or light brown, although some are now bred with white or stripes. The size is usually 15-20 cm with a tail of ± 20 cm. This animal is nocturnal and eats everything, but likes grain. The female is able to give birth at any time, with 3-10 children / birth. They reach 2-3 years of age and like to live in groups.

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