Revelation 3 study (Internet problems!)

2 years ago

Oct. 8, 2021 study of chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation.
Apologies in advance! I was having network issues when this was recorded and my internet cut out a couple of times.
As a result the audio and video quality is not the best - I am going to try to re-record this study when my internet connection is better and post an improved version.
In this study we continue our studies in the Book of Revelation, discussing the 7 churches and what that means, 7 literal churches, 7 types of believers and 7 different ages of the church.
We continue the study with the churches in Revelation 2 that we did not finish last week and we also discuss the churches of Revelation 3,
where are we now in church history? And will there be a last great end times revival?

And as always we have an insightful and sometimes lively discussion among our live participants at the end! We welcome you to study and fellowship with us in this online presentation!
Watch all the way to the end to enjoy the Blessing of Aaron and the fellowship of Holy Communion.

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