Our pineal gland floats in WATER, protected & encased within a walnut shaped gland.

2 years ago

The water surrounding our brain compresses to put mechanical stress on our pineal gland, causing piezoelectric charge that releases chemicals into our body.
Our pineal gland floats in WATER, protected & encased within a walnut shaped gland.
Water is a POLAR molecule.
Blood is 92%💧. Our blood cells are torodial & have "poles" & are sensitive to frequencies & various metals.

Our Pineal Gland is also VERY sensitive to frequencies.
"It's at night when our Pineal Gland releases the chemicals our body needs to keep our cells young & healthy, when it detects no Light is present. We're bombarded by radio frequencies 24/7, which itself, is Light. The Pineal Gland & body doesn't know the difference"

We are energy beings & are affected by different frequencies. Hidden metaphysical science that's been weaponized against us for YEARS to make us sick, can be flipped & used to HEAL our body, mind & spirit.

⚡️Φ 🧲

"Resonance : Beings of Frequency" - Full Documentary. Don't miss this

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