Model Train Update 10/8/2021

3 years ago

Hey everyone lonewolfe777 here I wanted to say if you have some Christmas/Xmas Shopping to do, Do It Now for your model train needs now on to the video I'm sorry I don't get to upload as many model trains as I want a lot is going on in my life the house is getting renovated or remodeled what ever you want to call it. The money situation is better to afford this hobby but sadly it's all tied up into my used SUV I want to get a hold of from a private owner to move out of CA that's the only chance I got to move out of here but while I'm trying to do that I wanted to be able to have something to run on when I move so I'm building a better module layout there will be more of these soon I hope. so the layout track plan is simple I'm doing a double mainline and with a entrance to the main yard facilities to store rolling stock. the engine shed will be also sheltering smaller steam locomotives like this one you see in the video. Anyways Enjoy the video.

This is the best hobby in the world as Ken Patterson keeps saying and it's true so lets keep up this hobbies reputation

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