GLA (no Special Generals): CNC Shockwave (mod) Let's Play

2 years ago

Disclaimer: The voice work is done after the footage is recorded as to not have anything bad accidentally recorded. This video is meant to showcase a mod's video game factions additions and features. Like the "T" faction from CS:GO it is entertainment, it isn't meant to promote "disturbing" real-world groups.

Showcased on this video is the GLA of Shockwave. The base GLA can research a upgrade that grants it's units the level 1 scrap upgrade and allow them to get a third level of scrap upgrade. The third scrap upgrade allows for, among other things, a triple-barreled Marauder Tank as well as Technical with a artillery cannon. The basic GLA can build a hot air balloon that comes with 2 rocket infantry inside it. They also have the Junk Fortifcation upgrade and the basic GLA can get a resource gatherer that has a quad bike to gather more and move faster.

0:00: Meet the GLA of Shockwave... A bit different than the GLA from normal Generals Zero Hour.

1:34: The Quad Bike resource gatherer was added in the mod.

2:29: The Junk Fortification is also added in Shockwave.

3:53: That was interesting to watch.

4:12: The Chameleon also has a small Machine gun to help keep infantry away.

6:00: Recoiless rifle, considering it's size it would break the users arms if It wasn't recoiless.

6:33: Yes the tank has 3 barrels now.

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