I'm Not Waiting - Best Motivational Video for the New Normal of the Pandemic

2 years ago

I woke up waiting. We all do.

Until the check arrives ...
Until we see our loved ones ...
Until we start working again ...

While waiting to give meaning to the immobile WORLD.

While waiting for life to resume.

I'm not going to wait long; I don't agree to be told what to do.

I'm not going to feel isolated and helpless.

Not in a time when you can do it all, talk to anyone, and ALWAYS BE what you always wanted to be.

Not when it's the PERFECT TIME to reinvent yourself.

Every day has another 24 hours - still plenty of moments that can change everything.

When you have NOTHING, imagine what you could do and who you could be.

We must keep moving forward. We have to tell ourselves that this is the new normal. This is our new start. We need to inspire others to know that they can do it too.

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Matt Sapaula is a veteran former contractor with the United States Marines. Share his journey.

#newnormal #pandemic #motivationalvideo

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