REAL Reasons Xi Jinping Refuses To Meet Biden In Person; Biden's Copycat Obama China Policy

2 years ago

Tonight we explain the real reasons behind Chinese leader Xi Jinping not going to in person meetings with foreign leaders. What is his concern? His power? his health or he’s afraid to meet the press? In over 600 days, Xi Jinping hasn’t left the country to meet with someone face to face. In fact, his last meeting was in January of 2020.

Plus. Biden’s foreign policy on China is copying Obama and Trump. But how much of each President before him?.There is a key detail, I'll talk about it. Then I offer a piece of advice to the President. Maybe there should be more hawkish policies?

Last, a new record high number of jets flying near Taiwan. 150 planes in four days. But get this. Report says they could have provided 550,000 people with a day's worth of power, in China’s current electricity shortage. But no, they decided to act aggressively toward Taiwan instead.

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