Survey responses #1: Sociopathic abuse during lockdown

3 years ago

What, exactly, have sociopaths been doing during the coronavirus pandemic? We can take an educated guess, but Lovefraud is conducting an online survey to gather data on their behavior.

In this episode of Lovefraud Live!, Donna Andersen, author of, relays some of the wild stories people are telling about bad behavior by sociopaths during the lockdown.

If you've been living with or observing a sociopath during the pandemic, and you'd like to fill out the survey, please click this link:

This is a live streaming show, so ask your questions by chat and Donna will answer.


1. If you want to discuss your situation with someone who may be a sociopath, Donna Andersen offers private, personal consultations.

2. Get Donna Andersen's books, including the new "Best of the Lovefraud Blog" Series:
• Understanding the Sociopath
• Seduced by a Sociopath
• Dealing with a Sociopath
• Recovery from the Sociopath

3. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers webinars for survivors and therapists.

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