These 11 RINO’s joined with McConnell’s Debt Ceiling sellout deal…

2 years ago

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that enjoys a nice RINOburger or two over a long weekend.  We name names today and tell you the 11 RINOs who went along with Mitch McConnell’s debt ceiling deal which, as Lindsay Graham calls “a complete and utter sellout.” Why did the GOP fold to the democrats again? Why would RINO’s cave? Then we put the spotlight on McConnell’s leadership and why the GOP has lost its spine, leaving the liberal left to run roughshod all over Capital Hill and every Main Street throughout the country. We give you the complete breakdown of these RINOs, so best to listen to the show before you enjoy a meal. Then, to wrap up the week on a high note, we pay tribute to Columbus Day and how many are now referring to it as “Indigenous Peoples Day.” We point out the total ignorance of these idiots for blaming conservatives for their so-called human rights violations, raping of the planet, and for stealing the land while celebrating groups of people who did the same thing. Go figure.  Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to go discover something this weekend completely unrelated to politics or your belly button.

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